Sumberair's Blog

Oktober 5, 2009

This really Cars or Playground?

Filed under: gadget — sumberair @ 1:28 pm


The development of the human population grew very rapidly. Similarly, the development of buildings for residential and various other purposes such as offices, shopping center, and others.

Along with these developments, the fate of becoming displaced playground. For example, Bangkok, very little playground. At most parks cauliflower, nurseries, garden achievements, and several other parks. Yet the need for a playground is quite important for the psychological development of children.

As a solution to the problem, then the mobile park diciptakannlah Chameieon What is it? This is a car designed in such a way that can be served as a playground. Well, enaknya you do not have to bother bringing your children play in the park, just around this car. You can also take the children to your neighbors, if you want ..

But if you want to buy this car you must be patient first, because you see new designs and have not realized.


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