Sumberair's Blog

Oktober 5, 2009

Computer viruses top the one million mark – the Top Ten virus names

Filed under: virus — sumberair @ 1:14 pm
virus alert

virus alert

The number of trojans, worms and viruses has smashed the one million mark! Hooray! Now there are more ways than ever to lose all your data, your sanity and maybe if you’re lucky, your cash! It’s not just coding that virus creators spend all day doing – there’s often a certain amount of creativity that goes into naming their creations. Here’s my Top Ten.

  1. Fat Avenger, It’s almost giving up before you’ve even tried, when you christen your virus Fat Avenger. It doesn’t get any better, when this pathetic excuse for a virus chirps up with “THIS PROGRAM WAS WRITTEN IN INDIA.(c)1993 FAT AVENGER PS. this program is not meant to be destructive”
  2. Deep Throat, Sounds saucy, no? Well, it is, if you count remote access to your desktop, allowing random screengrabs to be taken, open browser windows and reboot at will. That saucy minx.
  3. Crazy Eddie
    Sounds like the guy who hangs out outside the petrol station, muttering to himself about Frank Sinatra whilst trying to write messages to The Voices in wee, but is in fact a virus that’ll corrupt your whole hard disc.
  4. Perfume. Sorry
    Is the virus sorry and has therefore bought you perfume? Is the virus sorry he bought you perfume? It’s hard to tell. What we do know is that it refuses to run your files unless you answer its questions with ‘4711’, the name of a really rubbish perfume.
  5.  Die Hard 2
    Much like there was a sequel to the original Bruce Willis epic, the original Die Hard virus obviously warranted a second version. And in keeping with the film theme, there’s even an extended name – Die Hard 2 (The Unbeatable) Sailor Moon.
  6. Polite
    This is one virus that was brought up with manners, always chastised for putting his elbows on the table, chewing with his mouth open and swearing. When you try and save a file it asks you “Should I infect the file or not?”. Funnily enough, there’s only the option to have it infected. Needs some more manners training, methinks.
  7. Cinderella
    The kind of virus I’d positively encourage. Enough of the DeathStar and Armegeddon crap, give me more fairytale viruses. It’s relatively painless, and activates after installation when you hit the magic number of key presses. Like a lovely surprise.
  8. Kiss of Death
    Not so much for the name, but the fact that there is in fact no virus by this name. In fact, this is the message that is displayed if you ask your mail client to download mail whilst it’s in the process of doing so. Clearly there’s some legit programmer out there with a sense of cinematic doom.
  9. MacGyver
    He could solve even the most mysterious mystery, through brain power, swiss army knives and duct tape. Sadly, you can’t solve this virus in the same way, he’ll pop up in all sorts of odd places when you do something as simple as opening an MP3 file.
  10. Dave
    Dave – the man you can rely on to put up shelves, makes sure you get home ok and who will listen to you whinge over a pint in the pub. Right? Wrong. He will evily access Word and have the word ‘Dave’ constantly scrolling in the status bar. What a sod.

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